Monday, December 27, 2010

How Great

Last night, in the midst of doing at-home work, I was watching The Sound of Music. Julie Andrews is one of my favorites, so I at least had to have the background noise of the Von Trapp family as I wrote.

As Maria was leaving the convent at the beginning of the film, she simply stated, "When the Lord closes a door, he opens a window." In The Sound of Music, He gave Maria a loving life with a man and children who learned from her. In my life, He's given me opportunities for new beginnings and opportunities for testimony. How blessed am I to receive God's grace and share it with others?

Because I love to write and jump at the chance to fill up a blank page, I want to share a recent addition to my life's testimony with whomever reads my blog.

A few months ago, I thought I was going to be moving six hours away to further my education. I had a plan. For those of you who know me, you know I like plans. Everything seemed to be working out smoothly, but God had other plans for me. He knew it would be best if he placed a tiny bump in my road. At the time, of course, I was perplexed. I didn't have a plan. Then I remembered that the Lord directs my paths, not me.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." -- Proverbs 3:5,6

As a backup, I applied to another school without much consideration. He knew me. He knew I would want another plan.

I visited that school and fell in love with the idea of it. I would be close to my home and I would be able to live in a city that I knew well...a city in which I've always wanted to reside. The professors were so nice and I felt comfortable there (I had the MSU feeling). A few weeks later I was accepted into the program, but found out it was too late to apply for an assistantship, which would have paid for out-of-state tuition.

Another bump in the road. A test of my faith and patience.

I searched for jobs, more importantly I searched for peace. As a worrier, this was difficult, but my support system assured me that it would be ok.

Then, I was surprised. God does that to me a lot. I received a phone call one afternoon, after I sent my assistantship application in way in advance for the Fall 2011 semester, from my graduate advisor telling me there was an opening for this spring. How great is our God? How awesome is His timing? He took care of me and showed me the importance of the things I talk about often:


Doors may be closed, but as Maria said, windows open. No one, but our Heavenly Father, has the power and strength to move mountains and make the impossible possible. I pray that I never forget that and that my short testimony helps you to remember it when times are wonderful and when times are trying.



1 comment:

Laura said...

What an amazing testimony He is giving you. I can't wait to see all the ways He will allow you to share it. And congrats on the assistantship!!!